Are you doing it right?
I recently learned that when a caterpillar goes into its cocoon and changes form, it actually liquifies first- like a mushy soupy compost.
Wild huh?
It has to liquify before it forms into a butterfly. The caterpillar releases enzymes that break down its own tissues, similar to digestion.
The part that is so beautifully mind-blowing to me (besides the idea of a caterpillar liquifying) is that the caterpillar knows exactly how to craft its special cocoon in order to liquify.
Since I last wrote you eighteen months ago, I've been on the grief journey of my lifetime. I've been in the mushy, soupy liquidy compost of deep grief, following the sudden and tragic loss of my husband in June of 2023.
It's been a painfully gutting journey, one that I never saw coming or realized I had signed up for. Life does not promise us certainty, nor comfort. It is a gift with an unknown timeline and trajectory.
Something I've been learning about grief is that my body knows exactly what its doing. It's in a process. I just have to keep crafting the cocoon that allows me to go through the process.
*The cocoon represents all the things that support, sleep, movement, stillness, body/mind practices, creativity, connection, help, relationships, etc.
The caterpillar doesn't question or override the process. It doesn't judge or compare itself to other caterpillars. It just crafts its support system and allows the process to happen.
We are always in a process- whether it's grief, learning a new skill, parenting or just balancing the day-to-day in this ever-evolving and "bruta-ful" human experience.
When you find yourself questioning your process, judging your decisions or doubting if you are doing it right, I invite you to redirect that precious energy and attention on crafting the support system for your process.
The cocoon is where your power is. Self doubt is not. When you question the intelligence of your body, you are paddling up river.
The perfect cocoon for your process is a custom design. It will probably not look or feel just like mine. It will be just right for you.
What is up for you right now? Are you wondering if you are doing it all right? Instead of that question, how about this one
Is my cocoon solid, like really solid?
...built for liquid?
If not, what is one thing that would support your process right now?
Your next phase is counting on how you support yourself for it.
I’m here to help you leverage what you can.